The project "I learn my entire life: joy from learning through experience" is conducted by four partners: Polish – the project leader, Slovak and two Italian. The partners want to share experiences within the project framework and work out the best ways to educate and spur people over 50 into action. The project mobilizes this group of people to be professionally and socially active and to overcome generational barriers by promoting the idea of learning throughout the entire life. Project plans assume participation of our partners’ clients, that is, those over 50, in particular sessions. Five topics will be addressed within the framework of cooperation:

  1. "The computer and the Internet? - overcoming barriers between generations" - creation of innovative types of IT training for elders. We assume that the ability to benefit from IT advances strengthens bonds between generations and raises the professional attractiveness of persons over 50 on the labour market.
  2. "I learn my entire life". Educational forms and stimulation of people over 50, including women.
  3. "How to reconcile work and family life". Educational forms that consider the balance between work and family life. Neglect in this area is a factor that can affect premature withdrawal from the job market.
  4. "We learn through activity". Sharing of experience - methodology of education through activity.
  5. "By teaching others you learn yourself " - practical application of learning techniques by teaching others.

As an outcome of our cooperation in which each partner will deal with various and at times related aspects of adult education, we plan to establish five practical packets of stimulation training as well as methodological assumptions, which will be tested out by our partner organizations in collaboration with the final beneficiaries’ domestic groups.


Project leader:
                 Fundacja Centrum Promocji Kobiet
                 Združenie pre rozvoj regiónu horná Nitra
                 Grupo e-laborando   
                 The Culture Net S.a.s.